Makeup Review -Foundation

Alright, everyone. I'm going to level with you, I usually don't wear makeup. That's right, I usually go all natural! Even though I've always wanted to do my makeup. Even back when I was in middle school. Let's see in Middle school I valued sleep too much, and in High School, I just didn't care. Here I am 33 years old, and not sure how to put on makeup besides the basics.

The basics included:
-Eye Shadow (one color)
-Eye Liner

Yeah, I'm hopeless. 😣

With that out of the way, I am starting to learn how to do my makeup and with that, I will be doing reviews on styles that I learn and products I use.

In this post, I'm going to be talking about the Liquid foundation I used. I'm going, to be honest, I'm very impressed with it.

Image taken from Google. NOT MY IMAGE

This was the foundation I used. I'm really surprised by how light it is, and I'm not talking about shade, I'm talking about how it didn't feel like I was wearing foundation at all. It went on like a dream with the sponge. It's full coverage and trust me it does its job! 🌟

I love how throughout the day no one noticed that I was wearing foundation at all, it didn't feel cakey or sticky. This foundation really made my skin look and feel smooth while covering up the little spots on my face that I don't want people to stare at.

I ended up with a small dry patch the other day (I wore no makeup then) and it caused a little scab to form. I'm going to apply the foundation to that area and let you know how it turned out. There may be some before and after pictures.

The Maybelline Fit Me Liquid Foundation I use is number 105. It's not listed in the picture, but trust me it's there. You can do your own color match at the store or you can visit the Maybelline website, and take the color quiz. They will match you with your liquid foundation color, your powder, and concealer. Now I'm just starting out and diving into the world of makeup so I only grabbed the foundation. I'm hoping to get some more of the line and tell you how it works.

If there is a product you want me to try and give a review on please let me know, I'd love to try it. Once I get better, I'd love to try different looks as well. Please leave a comment here or on our Facebook page. I'm excited to hear your thoughts!

Until next time,

~JT and The Boys