About Us

JT: I am a mom, wife, and photographer. I created this blog to share reviews, tips, tricks, and parenting advice (though we can swap tricks if you choose). I want to share my wonderful family and our adventures with you. I also want to share with you my passion, and hobbies. Why? Because sometimes going out for coffee and talking about his, just isn't easy with everyone's hectic schedules. Now if we decide to have coffee together while I type and you read, then yes we got coffee together.😊

Hubby: Well he's my Hubby. He is amazing! We have been married for nine years this year (2023)! Though we have been together for 13 years. He doesn't exactly remember what time we got married, (though he remembers the date, which is good enough) but he can tell you the EXACT time he asked me out! He's adorable like that. He also is turning our house into a smart house. I might touch on some of the things we use in some posts. With that, I will let you know the products we use and easy stuff. For more in detailed information, there will be a way to reach it on Hubby's page.

Han: Han is my 8-year-old son! He is currently in 3rd grade. My hyperactive, fun, loving, little man! You could say he is Naruto to my Kakashi. He likes to play Minecraft with us, as well as Guild Wars 2. He is a Batman fan like us too.

Xan: He is my 5-month-old little man. Not much to say about him JUST yet. Except he's cute, adorable, and curious.

Now that you have met us, I hope we get to be a

~JT and The Boys